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Syntax mainResponder.calendar.navigate (adrCalendar, adrDay, flForwardInTime)

Params adrCalendar is the address of a calendar in the database.

adrDay is the address of an entry in the calendar.

flForwardInTime is a boolean.

Action We walk the calendar in the direction indicated by flForwardInTime and return the address of the next existing element.

Returns The address of a calendar entry.

Examples mainResponder.calendar.navigate (@scriptingNews, @scriptingNews.["1999"].["03"].["12"], false)
@["Macintosh HD:Apps:Frontier:Guest Databases:www:news.root"].scriptingNews.["1999"].["03"].["11"]

Errors If adrcalendar does not point to a valid non-empty calendar structure or if we walked beyond the first/last element of the calendar, an error message is generated.

Notes It's safe for the calendar structure to contain non-numeric entries (e.g.#directives).

Detailed information about mainResponder's calendar format is available from the Frontier Site.

This verb was kernelized in Frontier 6.2b15.

See Also mainResponder.calendar.getMostRecentDay





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