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Prev | Next | mainResponder Verbs > mainResponder.calendar > getNextAddress


Syntax mainResponder.calendar.getNextAddress (adrcalendar, d)

Params adrcalendar is the address of a calendar in the database.

d is an optional date. Default: ().

Action If the address corresponding to d exists in the structure pointed to by adrcalendar, return it. Otherwise walk forwards in time until we find an entry and return its address.

Returns The address of the next calendar entry.

Examples mainResponder.calendar.getNextAddress (@scriptingNews)
@["Macintosh HD:Apps:Frontier:Guest Databases:www:news.root"].scriptingNews.["1999"].["03"].["12"]

Errors If the calendar does not contain elements corresponding to times after d or if adrcalendar does not point to a valid non-empty calendar structure, an error message is generated.

Notes It's safe for the calendar structure to contain non-numeric entries (e.g.#directives).

Detailed information about mainResponder's calendar format is available from the Frontier Site.

This verb was kernelized in Frontier 6.2b15.

See Also mainResponder.calendar.getNextDay





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