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Syntax mainResponder.members.getMemberTableWithPassword (groupname, username, password)

Params groupname is either a string containing the name of a top-level table in members.root or the address of a table.

username is the key identifying a member of the group specified by groupname. Usually, this is the member's email address.

password is a string to be checked against the member's actual password.

Action Call mainResponder.members.getMemberTable and return the address of the member's table after verifying the given password against the actual password.

Returns The address of the table associated with the member specified by username.

Examples mainResponder.members.getMemberTableWithPassword ("default", "", "whatisit")

   » @["Macintosh HD:Apps:Frontier:Guest Databases:ops:members.root"].default.users.[""]

Errors If the membership table or the member's sub-table can't be located or if the supplied password doesn't match the member's actual password, an error message is generated.

Notes Detailed information about mainResponder's membership group format is available from the Frontier Site.

See Also mainResponder.members.getMembershipTable


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