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Syntax mainResponder.members.getMemberTable (groupname, memberkey)

Params groupname is either a string containing the name of a top-level table in members.root or the address of a table.

memberkey is the key identifying a member of the group specified by groupname. Usually, this is the member's email address.

Action Locate the member's sub-table in the members sub-table of the membership table.

If a getMemberTable callback has been defined for the membership group specified by groupname, use it instead to locate the member's table.

Returns The address of the table associated with the member specified by memberkey.

Examples mainResponder.members.getMemberTable ("default", "")

   » @["Macintosh HD:Apps:Frontier:Guest Databases:ops:members.root"].default.users.[""]

Errors If a membership table can't be located, an error message is generated.

Notes It's not neccessary for the member's table actually to exist. You can also use this verb to get its addresse based on the groupname and memberkey to then create it.

Detailed information about mainResponder's membership group format is available from the Frontier Site.

See Also mainResponder.members.getMembershipTable

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