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Syntax mainResponder.log.rpcServerBrowser (lineCount, colors)

Params lineCount is the maximum number of lines to display.

colors is a list of two colors that are alternating HTML table row colors.

Action Generates HTML that displays the XML-RPC Server log.

Returns A string of HTML text.

Examples mainResponder.log.rpcServerBrowser (20, {"papayawhip", "lemonchiffon"})

   » <table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">r\t<!-- 1 -->r\t<tr bgcolor="lemonchiffon">r\tt<td height="28">...

Notes This verb is new in Frontier 6.1.

The name of the log in the log guest database is rpcServer.

Logging is turned on and off at user.betty.prefs.flKeepServerLog.

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