Prev | Next | mainResponder Verbs > mainResponder.discuss > openRoot |
Syntax |
mainResponder.discuss.openRoot ()
Params |
Action |
Determine the name of the discussion group by looking at the page table for the #discussionRoot directive. If that fails, fall back to the config.mainResponder.prefs.defaultDiscussRoot setting. Look for an entry with that name in the top-level of discuss.root.
Returns |
The address of the discussion group (a top-level table in discuss.root).
Examples |
mainResponder.discuss.openRoot () » @["Macintosh HD:Apps:Frontier:Guest Databases:ops:discuss.root"].discuss
Error |
If discuss.root is not open or if it doesn't contain a top-level item with the given name, an error message is generated.
Notes |
You can find more information about the format of discussion groups stored in discuss.root at
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